
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Istidrāj (Drawing Near)

Istidrāj (Drawing Near)

Istidrāj is also included in Allah (S.w.T.)’s plan. At times the respite granted by Allah (S.w.T.) also includes a new blessing. Allah (S.w.T.) bestows His bounties upon a person who has sinned so that he may feel ashamed of himself and make amends. Instead, the person often develops confidence and blatantly commits more sins. Such unfortunate people are mentioned in the following verse of Qur’an:

 “And (as to) those who reject Our communications, We draw them near (to destruction) by degrees from whence they know not.”

(Surah al-Ar’āf 7:182)

 It is recorded in Safinat’ul-Bihār, “When Allah wishes good for a person and he commits a sin, Allah involves him in difficulties so that he may become aware that the cause of his problems is his own sin. He can then repent for it (immediately). When Allah wishes to punish a person who commits a sin, He gives him a new form of blessing so that he may be dazzled by the blessing and ignore repentance. This is what Allah means in the Ayat (quoted above).”


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